ASA forum

You MUST be an ASA member to use this forum. If you haven't  received your invitiation by email, please contact:

Welcome to the Australasian Stroke Academy Forum. 

All posts are read by our team of moderators. The moderators have discretionary right to edit, delete, move or close any threads or postings as they deem necessary without prior warning. There are 3 very basic rules of posting on the Forum:

1.Please use your Full name as Username:

You MUST include your FULL NAME as your USERNAME when you sign up.  Failure to provide your full name may result in removal of your postings. If you have issues signing up, please contact us via:

2. Please remain respectful of other members at all times:
We request that all postings to be professional and courteous. Naturally, you have every right to disagree with your fellow members and to explain your views on the topics. However, you are not free to attack, degrade, insult, or otherwise belittle fellow members or the quality of this community.

3.Please do not spam

This Forum defines spam as postings with little, or completely unrelated content. Spamming also includes sending private messages to a large number of different users.